2001 Appraisal: Port of Los Angeles

Friday, December 28, 2001

The Port of Los Angeles is the busiest port in the nation, with 7,500 acres in its harbor, according to port officials.

In October, the Port handled more imports and exports than in any other month in its history and nearly 5 percent more than in October 2000.

“This is very exciting news for the Port and our customers,” said Larry Keller, Port executive director. “We are cautiously optimistic about the months ahead and hope that international trade will help to buoy our local and regional economy through rough times.”

The November figures show a continued incline, finishing with a 10 percent increase over the same month last year. Specifically, imports were up 17.4 percent and exports increased by 8 percent over November 2000 figures. The year-to-date total traffic for the Port is nearly 6 percent above the figure for this time last year.

“The November container cargo figures are encouraging,” said Keller. “As the year and the holiday shipping season draw to a close, we continue to remain optimistic and look forward to playing a role in supporting the regional economy.” —Darryl James