Forever 21 Has Dropped a Lawsuit

Forever 21 has dropped a lawsuit against 19 garment workers who participated in protests and demonstrations against the company, although the Los Angeles-based retailer has not dropped its defamation suit against three workers’ rights organizations: the Garment Workers Center, Sweatshop Watch and the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights in Los Angeles. Chris Lee, the assistant to Forever 21’s co-founder and chief executive officer, Don Chang, said the company originally targeted the individuals assuming that the workers had a bigger role in the protests. “We’ve come to the realization that they didn’t, and we wanted to correct ourselves on that,” he said. The civil suit stems from a wage and labor violation suit filed by contractors’ workers who made apparel for Forever 21. That case was rejected on March 4 by a Los Angeles federal court, which found that Forever 21 was not the employer of the garment workers.