ASR Considering Consumer Show

Kids are the source of an often-heard complaint at surf and skate trade show Action Sports Retailer. Specifically, the complaints are directed at the packs of marauding kids galloping down the aisles at ASR, all on a hunt for free T-shirts and stickers. While these wild hordes of youth might be more urban legend than anything else these days, ASR producers are considering ways to clear general consumers and fans out of the trade event for good, while giving them an alternative outlet to show their support for the surf and skate industry.

The show has recently been in talks with different San Diego venues to stage a consumer event where the fans could buy T-shirts, stickers and posters from their favorite surf and skate brands, said Andy Tompkins, group show director of ASR.

“ASR gets a lot of consumer energy, but it’s hard to manage on the show floor,” Tompkins said. “We want to make [ASR] more business-minded.” No formal talks or plans for a consumer show have been made yet.

If a consumer show is produced, Tompkins said, it might be scheduled around the same time as the September 2009 ASR event. It would be produced at a venue located away from the trade business at ASR. At the proposed show, brands could sell product and promotional items, while surf and skate fans could see what’s new with their favorite labels. The show also might feature skateboard or motocross demonstrations or a performance by a rock band.

Along with searching for an appropriate venue, Tompkins said his company also is polling ASR exhibitors to gauge interest in a consumer event.