Have You Gone Completely 'Mad'?

Monday, March 26, 2012

This cocktail party is a little loud.

Can you stand another “Mad Men” fashion update? Of COURSE you can!

After last night’s season 5 kickoff, we now know the year is 1966 and at least one character was wearing a minidress—a saucy little number in chiffon with pleated angel sleeves.

Megan shows off her gams. (photo from Tom Lorenzo)

Costume designer Jayne Bryant discusses the costumes from the episode—as well as some fascinating insight into how she approaches each character’s costumes and how she introduces new trends into the show—in this video from the AMC website.

'Mad Men' costume designer Janie Bryant in the most awesome closet ever.

And there's more. Last night's episode firmly planted the song "Zou Bizou" in my head. I know I'm not alone.
Slate's David Haglund tracked down a video of the original by Gillian Hills (hat tip to LA Observed).

How fun is this film?