StyleShoots Opens LA Showroom at Cooper


The StyleShoots system was on display at the Liberty trade show in Las Vegas in August.

The StyleShoots system was on display at the Liberty trade show in Las Vegas in August.

As of Thursday, November 14, 2013

StyleShoots, the system that simplifies still-life product photography, has a new home in Los Angeles.

Focus Media Group, the New York–based company distributing the system in the U.S., is opening a new StyleShoots showroom at the Cooper Design Space in downtown Los Angeles.

The StyleShoots system has a light table, daylight-simulation lamps, a Canon 5D Mark II DLSR camera and an embedded Apple computer that can be run using an iPad. StyleShoots will take product shots and automatically remove the background imagery in about 20 seconds, allowing users to quickly shoot product shots and upload to a company’s website. According to the company, StyleShoots uses a two-shot process (one with LED lighting and one without), which works on delicate items such as lace, fringe and jewelry.

At the Los Angeles showroom, the StyleShoots system can also be rented by the hour. Hourly rates are $300, and the day rate for a 10-hour day is $2,500.

Companies can also purchase the StyleShoots system for $84,995, which includes hardware, software, delivery, installation and training. There are also 36- and 48-month leasing options, starting at $2,500 per month.

Focal Media Group is hosting a grand-opening event on Nov. 19, when guests can test out the system with their own sample garments. There is also a special open house for children’s brands on Nov. 20. Both events run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the StyleShoots showroom in suite 703 at 860 S. Los Angeles St.

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