Image Comic's Snotgirl to the Fashion Rescue

Cover of Snotgirl graphic novel. Art via

Cover of Snotgirl graphic novel. Art via

As of Monday, April 17, 2017

There’s a new comic book hero in town. Lottie Person is a downtown Los Angeles fashion blogger. With her costume of green hair and the latest styles, she valiantly documents fashion, parties and Los Angeles. Pitted against her, super villains such as haters, fair-weather friends, regular coffee (our heroine only drinks half-caf cold brew with nonfat almond milk and one pump of lavender syrup) and the most dastardly opponent; her allergies.

Earlier this year, Image Comics released Lottie’s chronicles in the graphic novel Snotgirl; Green Hair Don’t Care, Vol.1. The adventure was created by Leslie Hung and Bryan Lee O’Malley. If O’Malley’s name seems a tad familiar, you may have seen Scott Pilgrim vs the World, the 2010 widely released movie about his comic with the same name. It starred geek extraordinaire Michael Cera.

Laughs, thrills and spills follow Snotgirl. In fact, Hung and O’Malley may have torn down the veil of fabulousness covering the world of fashion blogging. But we think more writers need to investigate the REAL fashion journo world. How about a comic about California Apparel News? Any takers? OK scribes, you know how to find us.