L.A. Fashion Week Spring '03: California Market Center

Friday, November 8, 2002

California’s past, present and future were on display during the California Market Center’s (CMC) Los Angeles Fashion Week kick-off show, Nov. 1 in the CMC lobby, where buyers and press viewed lines from the center’s vast collection of showrooms. The theme paid homage to California’s fashion heritage but also previewed directions of new designs, which are becoming more visible on the world’s fashion stage. From the bohemian to the urban and from the whimsical to the serious, CMC’s lines showed breadth and diversity featuring vintage printed sets from Single and Buffalo Jeans to moto-chic denim from Frankie B. to contemporary combat themes from Jesse USA, Karl Kani, Derek Green and Marc Vachon. The California of the future was seen in strapless, retro-inspired dresses from Corey Lynn Calter and sexy ensembles featuring corsets and tight skirts from Estevan Ramos and Casadei. Designers are playing up all-white looks for Spring as Calter, Sheri Bodell, Poleci and others showed lacy tops, halter dresses, satin ensembles and ruffled blouses. And what would a California- themed fashion show be without fun looks such as Jesse USA’s Western cowgirl variations, Heatherette’s Pop Art and Hello Kitty tees, and cheer sets from Triple Five Soul? The show also featured a few familiar faces from the building, including California Apparel News’ Darryl James and Jesse USA’s Howard Cumberlander. —Robert McAllister