Jantex Launches Color Matching for Printers

Friday, April 27, 2007

Pico Rivera, Calif.–based Jantex Inks has launched a new water-based color-matching service for textile printers.

Called Jantex Matching System, or JMS, the software-accompanied system is based on a 10-primary-color system with two auxiliary colors and works in regular extender and discharge bases. The extended version offers a scale and Pantone book with all the auxiliary products that can aid in using water base such as extra binder, softener, fixer or lube. Both versions include PC-based software.

The system was developed by Jantex for printers that convert tint from plastisol to water and are not sure about the color-matching side of using water-based colors. That includes many of California’s T-shirt printers who are switching to a water-based system because it has less of an impact on the environment, said Jantex Manager Opal Mata.

“Plastisol uses a PVC resin, so many are switching to a water system because of the environmental factor and the softer feel it provides,” she said. “It’s not a catch-all solution, but the initial feedback has been strong,” said Mata.

Jantex recently relocated from Commerce, Calif., to a larger 19,000-square-foot facility to accommodate JMS as well as its expanding product line. For more information, visit www.jantexinks.com.—R.M.