Have Fashion Shopping App, Will Travel

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Former model Debra Winter has launched Fashion Nomad, a new iphone app to help travelling clothes-horses get their fix while globe-trotting. The app features "a concise list of indie boutiques, designer flagships, vintage stores and top department stores in the major fashion cities such as New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Milan, Shanghai, San Francisco and Sydney."

The app lets you get GPS distance and directions directly to shopping destinations and there is a brief description of each area and store, written by local fellow Nomads, so you can get a local's perspective before you venture out. Only the New York, L.A. and San Francisco guides are available now.

You can buy the app for $1.99, which gets you the N.Y. list, and then add new cities (for .99 to $1.99, depending) as your passport and travel bug allow.