Week in Review


As of Thursday, September 5, 2019

Designing clothes on a computer-generated model is not science fiction. It’s something that has been used for computer games and virtual dressing rooms. Fashion software provider Tukatech, Inc. developed a library of more than 750 virtual-fit models based on 3-D-body-scan data of human fit models. The Los Angeles–headquartered Tukatech announced recently that it would make the virtual-fit models available for all 3-D users, according to Ram Sareen, Tukatech’s chairman and chief executive officer. A link to the library can be found on www.tukatech.com.

The Jockey underwear and apparel brand will open its first pop-up retail store in the 143-year history of Jockey International, Inc. It will open a 1,700-square-foot space at the edit@Roosevelt Field outside of New York City. The Jockey pop-up will run until January.

New England’s Timberland brand plans to take a stand against climate change with a pledge it announced on Sept. 5. It will plant 50 million trees over the next five years, said Jim Pisani, Timberland’s global brand president.

The Renewal Workshop repairs and freshens up damaged and discarded clothing and textiles, and makes them into new clothing. The Portland, Ore.-based company, will produce the Restore Collection, from the H&M Group’s COS division that has accumulated goods returned by customers or sourced from COS’ own supply chain.