Freecity Debuts in Hollywood

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Hollywood has the reputation of being a tough neighborhood. Nina Garduno wants to see if her latest venture can be the catalyst for a more utopian version of her town.

On Sept. 7, she held the grand-opening party for the 3,000-square-foot FREECITYsupershopsupermat store at 1139 N. Highland Ave., near the intersection of Highland and Santa Monica Boulevard.

The shop will sell Freecity sweats and T-shirts and the label’s collaboration with legendary skate shoe label Vans. But it also will sell vegan foods and custom bicycles, an attempt to get people out of polluting cars.

The party itself had a 1960s utopian twist. Magical Mystery Tour era Beatles played on the sound system along with Indian ragas and some house music. Food served was artisanal bread with a Tunisian chile paste and creamy almond milk drinks.

For Garduno, she hopes the store will bring together a group of like-minded artists. “It’s more than punching a time clock,” she said of her new job.

She also hoped there would be something for everyone at her store. Price points range from $3 for a button to $86 for a T-shirt and $295 for Maharishi pants.

Nina Garduno