Cooper Flies Old Glory…and Peace Flag

Flags flying above the Cooper Design Space.

Flags flying above the Cooper Design Space.

As of Monday, March 16, 2015

Look toward the top of Cooper Design Space in Los Angeles’ Fashion District.

There’s the U.S. Flag proudly flying the red, white and blue…and a purple flag with a greyish, blue peace sign flying under it.

The peace flag has been flying above the Cooper showroom building since beginning of the year, said Steve Hirsh, the general manager of the building. As downtown Los Angeles revitalizes, Hirsh thought it was a good idea to fly flags up on top of the 11-story Cooper. He worked with an in-house, independent designer to design the flag with the peace sign. “As the American flag speaks to freedom, so does peace. We hope people enjoy it, and keep looking up!” Hirsh said.