Beverly Center's Fashion's Night Out Campaign

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa kicks off Fashion's Night Out

Rousing the fashion public can be tough work. Beverly Center’s election campaign-style kick-off to Fashion’s Night Out made a 4th of July-worthy celebration out of the fashion retail boosting event. It also underlined some challenges turning fashion hype into dollars.

It started 5:30ish Sept. 10 when Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa stepped onto a temporary platform at the mall’s Center Court with a host of fashion designers, retailers and being Los Angeles; Hollywood and music industry celebrities.

Villaraigosa said a strong fashion market makes a stronger city. “Everyone here has got to shop today. I need that revenue to keep police working and to keep parks open,” he said also noting fashion sales revenue will fund school initiatives.

Grammy award winning Black Eyed Peas co-founder and fashion designer told the assembled crowd that fashion gave him a way out of a tough East L.A. neighborhood. “In the neighborhood I lived in, everyone dressed like gangsters. Fashion was a different approach,” he said. Other VIPs on stage were actor Angelica Huston, L.A. City Controller Wendy Gruel, and Bill Taubman, chief operating officer of Taubman Centers, owner and operator of Beverly Center.

Following the opening remarks, a fashion show. Beverly Center retailers such as Traffic, Politix, Macy’s, XXI Forever, Ben Sherman, Bebe and True Religion showed their latest looks to a cheering crowd, many of whom were attracted by Beverly Center’s free parking just for Fashion’s Night Out.

The festive mood spilled out into the mall. Retailers like J.Lindeberg hosted parties with hors d’oeuvres and DJ music. A big interior design choice was putting live models behind store windows to show off clothes. Beverly Center’s Superdry store had a crew of models behind its store window, even though it won't open until Sept. 20. All of the models wore construction hard hats to drive home the point that store was still being built.

Beverly Center retailers all thought the night was spectacular success. Some said it was just a marketing success though. Others said they made good sales. Rebecca Atescatenco, manager of the center’s Wet Seal store, said the party atmosphere kept cash registers ringing. “It’s been slow and challenging lately. To have an event like this is awesome,” she said.

Gila Leibovitch, co-owner of Premier Men, said she was thrilled with the center’s high energy level. But when it came to sales, it was an average Friday night. The serious shoppers might have taken the night off to stay away from the crowds. “People who really love to shop may not be here,” she said.

Designer Maggie Barry center, wearing her creations Dance Your A** Off cast member Adamme, left and independent screenwriter and director Paul Sapiano

Premier Men co-owners Gila Leibovitch and Johnny Alper