Uber Goes Under

Uber.com, the free online community that allowed users to create unique blogs and Web sites, will go dark on Sept. 29.

Launched in 2007 by Glenn Kaino, the husband of Los Angeles-based fashion designer Corey Lynn Calter, Uber.com targeted a creative audience and was embraced by some of the city’s fashion insiders. Writer Rose Apodaca, Calter and local “Project Runway” alums Rami Kashou and Nick Verreos all used Uber.com to host their blogs and Web sites.

“I am very sad to see it go,” said Verreos, who moved his blog from Blogspot.com to Uber.com last year. His Uber.com blog, he said, is important for branding his line Nikolaki and public relations purposes. “I spent so much time and energy to get it to reflect myself and my brand. I hope I will be able to recreate it somewhere else.” Verreos said users got their first hint of trouble at Uber.com about a month ago when the company laid off a chunk of its staff.

A statement released today by Uber.com blamed the company’s demise on the struggling economy and a lack of support from investors. “It’s not their fault that this happened. On the contrary, without their unflinching support we would never have made it this far, and they have stood by us and tried desperately to help us realize our dreams,” the statement said.

UPDATE: The internet fairies have smiled upon Uber. A statement from the company said www.sharenow.com has jumped in to fund an additional month or more of online activity at Uber. So, for now, it is business as usual at Uber.com.