Victoria's Secret. Michael Bay. Movie Trailer Explosions.

video via Entertainment Weekly

It’s the ultimate mash-up of Maxim-reading, Axe body spray-wearing, testosterone and beer-soaked frat bros’ dreams: Michael Bay has directed a Victoria’s Secret commercial.

Set to the kind of extreme, power-chord guitar soundtrack that usually accompanies badass shoot-outs and fight montages, the movie trailer-style commercial from the Transformers director, who launched Megan Fox’s career, hits all the action movie clichés. There is the slow motion, out-of-focus walking through the desert with wind blowing through her hair shot. A helicopter trailing in the distance as the sexy model steps out of her shiny car shot. Fiery explosions in the background and the very gratuitous use of wind machines while the Angels do lots of severe, sexy runway walking.

Considering the target audience of this ad and the title, "One Gift, a Thousand Fantasies," it begs the question: When ladies unwrap that pink Victoria's Secret box "This Christmas," who is the present really for?