Matson Steams Ahead With More Cargo Ships

Starting in mid-August, Matson Navigator Co. adds a second string of cargo ships carrying containers from China to Long Beach, Calif.

The new service calls on ports in Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Shanghai and then sails across the Pacific Ocean to the Port of Long Beach. Each ship carries about 3,500 20-foot containers and sails once a week.

“The addition of the dynamic markets of Hong Kong and Shenzhen will allow us to offer our customers premium service from southern and central China,” said David Hoppes, Matson’s senior vice president of ocean services.

The service will be up and running at full speed by early October, Matson said. With the new service, Matson, based in Oakland, Calif., offers twice-weekly departures from Shanghai with trips taking 10 days to cross to Long Beach. Matson also offers customers a weekly service from Xiamen and Ningbo as well as Shanghai.—Deborah Belgum