Retirement Plan for LAEDC's Kyser Includes a New Job

After giving his final economic forecast for the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp., on July 21, economist Jack Kyser received a standing ovation, a slew of commendations, parting gifts and congratulations on his retirement —and announced his new job.

Kyser steps down from his position as the founding economist for the Kyser Center for Economic Research at the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp. and steps into his new job as chief economic advisor for the Southern California Association of Governments.

“I’ll be monitoring the economy for SCAG’s economic-growth strategy for Southern California with the template from the LAEDC,” Kyser said.

SCAG is the largest council of governments in the United States and functions as the Metropolitan Planning Organization for Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura and Imperial counties. It also receives input from San Diego County. The association studies and recommends planning and policy initiatives for transportation, growth management, hazardous-waste management and air quality.

SCAG’s scope covers a population of more than 19 million in an area of more than 38,000 square miles.

“When you get the whole of Southern California, it’s very powerful,” he said. “It’ll be challenging, but it will also be fun.”—Alison A. Nieder