Wacky Not Dressing for Success Observations
While this outfit looks great for an evening out, don't wear it to a job interview
Hey, no one has to tell the Los Angeles apparel industry that clothes make the man or the woman.
But just to confirm that, the people at OfficeTeam, a group of head hunters, came up with a list of some of the weirder things executives have seen job seekers wear on that important first interview.
Human resources managers said some of the oddest outfits included a blanket worn as a shawl (maybe a homeless person from the Fashion District), a skirt made out of plastic (I just saw an entire apparel line made out of plastic), a top held together with a huge safety pin (no doubt stolen from a kilt), a cat suit (hello, it's Halloween), and jeans held up with suspenders (if Larry King can wear suspenders, why can't I?).
Other apparel don'ts had prospective employees sporting a leather vest with no shirt (no mention if this was a man or a woman, which would have made it really interesting), a micro miniskirt with fishnet stockings and a low-cut blouse (again no mention if this was worn by a man or woman). One applicant wore the uniform of his former employer (guys, times are tough).
Words of advice were to dress conservatively (think suits and something that comes up to your neckline), clean clothes and not too many accessories. Boring but good advice.