Apparel News Daily Reader

Why Red Wedding Gowns are the Latest Bridal Trend
Coachella Weekend Two: 14 Major Ragers for Your Hit List (LA.Racked)
Between Coachellas, Snoop Dogg livens up the Levi's Haus (All the Rage)
Customers Are Breaking Up With Their Brands (The New York Times)
Style For Hire Wants To Bring Personal Stylists To The Masses (
New York Outposts for Splendid and Dolce Vita (The New York Times)
Brace: Gilt Groupe's Mega Warehouse Sale Hitting Hollywood (LA.Racked)
Coachella 2012 fashion (Image)
My List: Donatella Versace in 24 Hours (Harper’s Bazaar)

India textile industry keen on FTA with Pakistan
(South Asian News Agency)
KTC: Ethical Fashion in China (Huffington Post)
Jobless Claims Dip (The Washington Post)
Major Changes Needed to Protect Organic Farming (Just-Style)
Report: Apple Stores Outsellnational average by 17 times (Electronista)
When it’s time to break up with a brand (New York Times)
Boom in e-commerce pressures retail stores to keep up (Adweek)
Disarming angry customers (CBS Money Watch)
SavvyShoppers can barter on new site Netotiate (Boston Herald)
Online coupons rise in popularity as buyers seek deals (eMarketers)
Yahoo! Ties turnaround to eCommerce (Internet Retailer)
Square Said to Seek $250 million investment (New York Times Dealbook)