Apparel News Daily Reader

Chatting with Nicole Richie, the 'Fashion Star' wild card
(The Los Angeles Times)
Fashion stars on display at museums worldwide (The Seattle Times)
Spy Anna Chapman channels Scarlett Johansson at Fashion Week Russia (The New York Post)
Kids' Fashion: Should We Care About Children's Style?
(Huffington Post)

Gucci Fine Tunes in-store men’s experience via menswear made-to-measure
(Luxury Daily)
Retailers React To Pricing Strategy Power Shift (New York Times)
Retailers and marketers oppose new FTC plan (Wall Street Journal)
New Deals Plan Links Discounts to Credit Cards
(New York Times)
Orders for Durable Goods Rise (The Washington Post)
Dov Charney Has New Three-Year Contract at American Apparel (Just-Style)