Map of Beverly Hills

Map of Beverly Hills


This Retailer Needs to Look at a Map

Someone needs to tell the executives at Saks Fifth Avenue that the Beverly Connection, a shopping center across the street from the Beverly Center, is not in the heart of Beverly Hills.

In a widely distributed press release that went out Monday, Saks Fifth Avenue Off 5th gushed about the opening of its new two-story outpost at the Beverly Connection. First, they called it the Beverly Hills Connection and then they said it was "situated in the heart of Beverly Hills."

If only they knew that neither the Beverly Connection nor the Beverly Center are located in Beverly Hills. They are firmly planted in Los Angeles. The two retail centers get their name from being close to Beverly Boulevard. The Beverly Center's official address is 8500 Beverly Blvd.

Then Saks went on to say that this was the second Off 5th store to open in a "core downtown location." I don't know what map they were looking at, or who told them this was a downtown location. But if they show up for the grand opening on Aug. 6, they'll be surprised to see an area that is more sprawling shopping centers and mini-malls than anything else. And watch out for all that traffic on La Cienega Boulevard.

To be fair, we shouldn't castigate the Saks Fifth Avenue people. Saks is now owned by Hudson's Bay Co., and they are in Canada. Maybe they don't have access to Beverly Hills maps up there.