Peace Out

The symbol of peace has taken a chic, fashionable spin on style. Inspired by a sense of well-being and harmony, gold and silver accessories make the political fashionable. <p>DIRECTORY (*Please note all prices are wholesale): BECKERMAN Cooper Design Space, suite 612, (213) 891-0663; CHAN LUU The New Mart, suite 1107, (213) 624-0856; ERICA ANENBERG Cooper Design Space, suite 210, (213) 624-3629; ETTIKA California Market Center, A1081, (213) 624-9566; EYES OF RUTH California Market Center, A1083, (213) 629-1741; GOOD CHARMA Cooper Design Space, suite 204, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (213) 624-6040; TARINA TARANTINO The New Mart, suite 408, (213) 629-8080; WISH 4 PEACE Cooper Design Space, suite 204, (213) 624-6040</p>

Peace Out

Photography by Market Street Productions