- Flood Advisory for Shasta Lake Area, Northern Shasta County County, California
- Flood Advisory issued April 14 at 3:31AM PDT by NWS
- Effective: Saturday, April 14, 2018 at 3:31 a.m.
- Expires: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at 8:45 a.m.
The National Weather Service in Reno has extended the
* Flood Advisory for...
A Dam Floodgate Release in...
Placer County in central California...
Nevada County in northern California...
* Until 845 AM PDT Wednesday
* Increased releases from the Lake Tahoe Dam will continue leading
to minor flooding along the Truckee River from below the dam to
the Truckee area.
* Minor flooding will impact the Truckee River bike path and Deep
Creek campground. Water may also inundate some yards and basements
of homes and businesses near the river.