E.P.I.C. Party for Indie L.A. Fashion

Calling the Great Recession a big party pooper might be the understatement of the past 18 months. Some fashion-week fandangos aside, there has been a dearth of big fashion parties since the financial meltdown of September 2008. That’s why the March 12 grand-opening party for Echo Park Independent Co-op (E.P.I.C.), a store devoted to emerging Los Angeles designers, seemed like the good times of 2007 or hopefully a peek into the very near future.

More than 600 fashion people crowded into E.P.I.C., located at 1712 W. Sunset Blvd. in Los Angeles’ Echo Park neighborhood, on Friday night. This L.A. fashion vanguard wore designs from Los Angeles’ independent designers and haircuts that ranged from dreadlocks to an Andy Warhol-esque muss. Designers Ashton Michael, The Batallion and Gabby Applegate partied at this shindig, all to represent their emerging and often avant-garde brands. Look for California Apparel News on March 19, when E.P.I.C. founders Tristan Scott and Rhianon Jones talk more on their co-op devoted to indie L.A. styles.

Designer Ashton Michael at E.P.I.C.

The Batallion designers Linda Wong, left, and Chrys Wong, right. Barbara Kramer, middle.

Designer Gabby Applegate