Ice Palace Takes Beverly Center

Beverly Center's Ice Palace

The Royal/T restaurant and gallery will feature pop-up shop devoted to the movie Tron on Dec. 19, but BeverlyCenter has taken the lead to win the game of movie promotion one-upmanship.

On Friday, the Los Angeles-based mall will unveil a 30-foot-high Ice Palace structure which will promote the film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It was produced by Twentieth Century Fox and Walden Media.

The Ice Palace will feature LED lighting, snow falls and multimedia exhibits from the film. Actors from the fantasy film Voyage of the Dawn Treader will appear at the BeverlyCenter Ice Palace on 4P.M., Friday to celebrate the debut of the multimedia exhibit at the Palace. Santa Claus is scheduled to make an appearance too.

Not making an appearance is the former BeverlyCenter tradition, Hunky Santa, the shirtless, muscle-bound character portrayed by a host of well-chiseled actors. IcePalace will appeal to children, families and adults, according to Susie Vance, marketing director for BeverlyCenter; it will be the main attraction that Beverly Center will roll out for future Christmas seasons.