Air Guitars! Underwear!
Airpocalypse plays the hits
French underwear brand Pull-In did not bother with a jock or a movie star for its endorsement deal.
Instead, it chose air-guitar bands to represent their line of Lycra underwear with novelty prints. On Sept. 29, air guitar bands Airnadette and Airpocalypse took time off of their heavy touring schedule, no lies, to touch down at the Pull-In store located at 8012 Melrose Ave. in Los Angeles.
It was all in the name of indulging in air guitar, or the spazzoid, karaoke-like activity of aping the histrionics of arena rock. Airnadette stopped the show with their emotional rendition of Queen’s hit Bohemian Rhapsody. And yes the audience could see the waistbands of their Pull-In skivvies when they were performing. Sacre Bleu!