It's a construction site now, but when work is wrapped up in October, it will be the site of a Burberry flagship in Beverly Hills.
Dickinson Cameron Builds Burberry, Renovates Barneys in Beverly Hills
Just a couple of months ago, it was a hole in the ground, but the steel beams and the foundations for the upcoming three-story Burberry flagship have gone up on the corner of Rodeo Drive and Dayton Way in Beverly Hills. The Dickinson Cameron Construction company, with headquarters in Carlsbad, Calif. and Honolulu, is working on the construction on the highly anticipated Burberry flagship. John Schmit, the Dickinson Cameron superintendent for the Burberry site, forecast that the job will be wrapped up by mid-October.
Luxury contractor Dickinson Cameron is on the move in the Rodeo Drive area. It also has the job of remodeling floors 1 and 5 of Beverly Hills Barneys department store. The renovation job for the more than 20,000-square-foot 1st floor and the 15,000-square-foot 5th floor will be wrapped up by the end of this year, according to Frank Naliboff, president/chief executive officer of Dickinson Cameron.