Cotton Inc. Closes L.A. Office

For more than 30 years, Cotton Inc. has had an office in Los Angeles.

But on July 30, it closed its office in the California Market Center in downtown Los Angeles.

“Like a lot of companies, we have made some shifts in our office locations and corporate expenses and consolidated some things,” said Mark Messura, executive vice president of Cotton Inc.’s global product supply chain division. “We will always be working with accounts in California, and we will have a lot of activities in Los Angeles and the California Market Center.”

Cotton Inc. will continue to do its trend-forecasting seminars and economic briefings at local textile markets and shows. In January, Cotton Inc. had only two employees in its Los Angeles office. Claire Dupuis, who was Cotton Inc.’s senior trend forecaster, is now working with WGSN in Beverly Hills, Calif., as a market analyst. Yanira Bugarin, a Cotton Inc. account executive, is working for Nano-Tex LLC.

Cotton Inc. has its world headquarters in Cary, N.C., and offices in New York. It also has international offices in Mexico City; Hong Kong; Shanghai, China; and Osaka, Japan. Cotton Inc. closed its Singapore office in January, Messura said.

Cotton Inc., which does marketing and research, is funded by growers of upland cotton and importers of cotton and cotton textile products. —Deborah Belgum