Simparel Releases New Shop Floor Control Solution

New York–based fashion and retail solutions provider Simparel has launched Simparel SFC, a new shop floor–control product aimed at using wireless technology and mobile devices to help manufacturers gather real-time data about everything from order tracking to machine downtime.

“Without up-to-date information and visibility, today’s manufacturers are challenged to deliver the speed, transparency and service their customers demand,” said Simparel Chief Operating Officer Roberto Mangual in a company statement. “By simplifying system use and removing significant cost and setup barriers inherent with legacy SFC systems, we are making real-time shop floor management much more accessible and affordable. With Simparel SFC, everyone from small contractors to major brands can leverage the latest technologies to quickly achieve the many benefits of real-time visibility and control.”

Among the features of Simparel SFC are increased worker productivity, reduced throughput time, cost savings, work-in-process inventory reduction and improved customer service.

Simparel SFC uses a plug-in data-collection technology from Georgia-based Shopfloor Support LLC. The system runs through an Android app and uses Wi-Fi networking to collect production data and provide real-time feedback.

This information can be integrated with Simparel’s enterprise resource planning solution, Simparel ERP, as well as third-party solutions.

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